Although it has lost momentum in recent years, Facebook remains the leading social network and is preferred by millions of people around the world. In this context, Facebook videos remain the holy grail of interactions on this platform.

Quintly’s latest study recently unraveled insights about social network use in 2018 by analyzing approximately 94,000 pages and more than 105 million publications on Facebook. The study confirmed that videos are the most interactive publications on the social network.

The profile of the pages analysed by the study is as follows: 23.2% of them have between 10,000 and 100,000 followers, 22.9% of the pages have between 100,000 and 1 million followers, 19.9% have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers, 15.6% have between one and 10 million followers, 14.6% had fewer than 1,000 followers and 3.8% had more than 10 million followers.

In order to better understand the data set, the study indicates that it has analysed the following points:

The type of post, distribution and performance.
The length of the messages.
The time of publication.
The reactions that the post has generated.
Videos generate 21.2% more interactions in Instagram than images (Quintly, 2018)

Publications with links are the most common on Facebook

The first finding is that 55% of the 105 million publications analyzed contain links. Pictures were used in 29% of them and Facebook videos represented approximately 14% of publications.

Facebook videos are the most popular publications

Of course, knowing what type of publication is most frequently used on the social network is interesting, but not everything remains in the most common type of publication. The study also analyzed the average interactions received by each type of publication.

Not surprisingly, natively uploaded Facebook videos have achieved the highest number of social network interactions

The acceptance of videos on Facebook is so high that they have achieved 65% more interactions than images, the second most popular type of publication on the social network.

In addition, images achieved 105% more interactions than states, and despite being the content most found on the platform, linked publications obtained 72% fewer interactions than videos, so we can say that they play no role in achieving more interaction with your followers.

Of course knowing the right type of content for your marketing campaigns is crucial.

More interaction on Sundays

While there are a greater number of publications on weekdays, the study has revealed that there is 13.3% more interaction on weekends, so don’t leave this opportunity empty, and reach your followers when they are more relaxed, for example a Sunday at midday.

But once again, in addition to knowing these data, you will have to analyze your own results and act on the basis of the strategies that have worked best for you. Another obvious conslusion is that to communicate with your customers on an international level, you will have to tailor your videos. Contact LenseUp today to set up the most appropriate video strategy.